Chance and Luck in Art
Chance and luck occupy a prominent place in the process of artistic creation. Thus painting and photography hold many surprises to one who let accidents, stains or the unexpected happen. more

A Long Ride South
Ten years ago, at a time where I had a Canon Eos and a passing interest in photography & a personal challenge to ride (horses not bikes!) from John O’ Groats to Lands End. more

Haiku and the Art of Photography
For the ever creative mind, the desire to express one’s self can be a constant source of inspiration in itself. There probably comes in a time in most our lives when we find ourselves indulging in a little soul searching. more

Dipping into the Landscape
I came upon landscape via a circuitous route. My main career for 25 years was as an author of young adult and children’s books including an eco-thriller titled Ravenwood with mile high trees and leaves the size of a human. The rights were bought by the publisher who signed J.K.Rowling and sold to 15 countries. I thought I had arrived. However, with each book in the series being 100k words, and with re-writes 250k, the virtual eco-system with its more

Towards a radical perspective
This summer I headed back into the woods, this time, the Moroccan variety; a little scruffy, not too grand, small scale, motivated once again to employ the self-imposed rules of 30 years ago more

Clashach Cove
Clashach Cove, sometimes known as Cove Bay, is in the North East of Scotland and is situated on the Moray coast to the East of the little town of Hopeman. more

Final Flush
I’ve often stumbled upon swathes of wild flowers and grasses but my favourite time of year is around the middle of May when the hawthorn trees and bushes fill with white blossom. more

When I do have an afternoon to myself the weather rarely plays ball, which is how two years ago my Highgate Woods project came about. more

The Dark Wood Remembered
The dark woods of fairy tales are also magical places of imagination and transformation. Fears are overcome and we emerge from the literary forest older and wiser, ready to face the dragons of the real world. more

Rockpool Photography
I have long found the miniature worlds contained in rockpools fascinating and over the years I have taken the odd photograph from above with varying degrees of success (ideally using a polariser to cancel surface reflections). More recently, admiring oceanic photographs and noticing adverts for underwater housings for digital compacts got me thinking. It struck me that these underwater housings might offer a novel viewpoint on the world of rockpools, given I had no intentions of leaving the safety more

Photographing Deep Time
A momentary burst of light, a passing cloud formation, a crashing wave on the shore – so much of what we do as landscape photographers can often come down to a few fleeting moments as all the elements come together in front of us. In that moment all our knowledge and experience kick in and along with a little luck we hope that we’re able to capture the scene in front of us. more

Nay More
Can you tell us a little about yourself, how you got into photography and how much of a role it plays in your life now. I started painting and drawing at a young age and won quite a lot of competitions sketching the scenes around me. I didn’t have access to a camera at the time, and although Mum had a Box Brownie, the film was no longer available. A Vivitar point and shoot appeared in my stocking when I more

Exhibition Planning Part 3
This is the third and final instalment of my “journey into world of exhibitions” article. more

Photography Exhibition Planning
The venues that could typically host such exhibitions are usually dedicated to painted works and if you've tried to find an appropriate space yourself you've probably discovered that they get booked up for at least a year in advance. more

From the Ashes Rise
My plans were deferred however after a fire broke out at the southern end of the forest. Probably caused either by a carelessly discarded cigarette or disposable barbecue, the blaze required over 100 firefighters to contain it. more