on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Projects
Konstantinos Vasilakis 3

Escaping Oblivion

The emotional and psychological uplifting, the mental elevation you will feel when you find that true connection with your subject is far superior to the ephemeral appraisal of a well-constructed image that will be forgotten in the oblivion most photographers live in today. more


Close to home

I live in a place where the scenery makes it almost impossible to take a bad photograph and so, I finally did some stern self-admonishing and made a deliberate effort to try and see the village differently and shoot nearer home. more

Jean Discours - One day 6

One day ~ Time in landscape photography

That morning provided me with over two hours of snap shooting interrupted by some instances of contemplation. As a result, a series of 15 photos taken in a silence only broken by the stir of a distant breeze. more

Alex Hare BookMaking 002

Photo Book Making

A handmade book can be a beautiful and tangible embodiment of the passion, love and enthusiasm we have for our landscapes and how we choose to present them more

Adam Pierzchala - Lichens Svalbard-Jewel


Lichens grow only very slowly, sometimes only a few millimetres in a year. Slow growth often implies longevity and lichens are among the oldest living things on the planet. more



I saw the potential for revealing a chaotic harsh environment seemingly devoid of conventional photographic beauty in graphical terms. more



The huge fall in air travel since late March seems to have brought out cloudscapes which I’d either never noticed before or were hidden by the crisscrossing contrails.  more


There are no Straight Lines in the Wilderness

Out here in this wild and barren place, was geometric evidence of man shaping the landscape, but with conventional photography, I couldn't get the photograph I wanted. more


Graveyard Bins

The bins and the contents were really just part of what I was trying to convey. It was the mechanisms of grief and ritual I was commenting on and their wider impact on our daily lives. more


The Highs and Lows of a Landscape Photographer

Do you remember Ciara and Dennis – how can you not?! Sod’s law would have it that I managed to coincide my trip with these two storms more


The Hill

It is a remarkable unremarkable place that plays an important part in my photography, though not necessarily in terms of actual photographs. more


Lockdown Project

A few weeks ago, during one of our lockdown podcasts, I challenged Joe Cornish and David Ward to take a few photographs as a 'mini lockdown project'. more


The Schist Village

The star of this story is a rock – schist – a hard, sometimes beautiful, rock that has greatly influenced the lives of the people who live on it and who exploit it to create fascinating buildings. more


In Rombalds Wake

Apart from the spa, Ilkley is famous for another thing: a little ditty entitled On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at – which is meant to be sung in Yorkshire dialect – and is translated to mean “on Ilkley Moor without a hat.” It was reputed to be composed during a Victorian church outing to the moors and is the unofficial anthem of Yorkshire. more


Autumn in Monochrome

The project became a good lesson and exercise in using limitations and constraints to produce a final series of images that felt cohesive, and with a unity of vision. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.