on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Trip Report

Kebnekaise Mountains

We spent a week in the Kebnekaise mountains. Here you'll find Sweden's highest and most well-known peak, Giebmegáisi. When people in the early twentieth century realised that this was the highest mountain in the country, tourists started finding their way to the area. more


Joe Cornish – Fisherfield Forest, Scotland

It was a pleasure to host Joe Cornish for a few days at the start of June and he had just come back from a trip with his son Sam and Alex Nail. more


Maxwell Lake

I tend to look for more remote places than Maxwell Lake and there are plenty near Boulder, but I keep finding more and more to captivate me at this little lake and It’s not even a quarter of a mile around. more

Aletsch Glacier Panoramic

Loss in the Landscape

In September 2019 a funeral service was held on the former bed of the Pizol Glacier in Switzerland1. The glacier had lost 80% of its volume since 2006 and was now small enough to be declared dead by those mourners present. more


Arctic Tundra

In the early autumn of 2019, I was privileged to be one of twelve photographers, led by Anthony Spencer and Joe Cornish on a photographic “expedition” to the North East Greenland Coast. more


Familiarity Breeds Content

Many photographers believe that repeatedly visiting a location not only gives them that familiarity with the area to more easily get better photographs of subjects they know well, but crucially they also find it easier to make more incisive new images, showing the character of a location and how it changes with light, weather, seasons and indeed the photographer’s own mood. more

10 Adriana Benetti Longhini - My Dolomites

The Dolomites

The Dolomites are composed of Dolomite rock, a compound of calcium carbonate and magnesium, elements that accentuate the reflectivity of the sun's rays. more

Martin Addison - Hokkaido-14


Hokkaido is the most Northern island of Japan and is full of flowers in summer and a popular place for Japanese tourists, but in February it is in the grip of winter and usually with deep snow. more

Seilebost from Luskentyre

Trip Report – The Hebrides

I’ve wanted to visit Skye for around 35 years having visited Mull in my 20s. I had a bucket list of places I wanted to see and photograph on Skye more



The moment the opportunity arose where I was able to visit Yosemite, I grabbed it with both hands and seized the chance. There was something about the place that had enticed me for decades, namely the work of Ansel Adams that had me transfixed to his books in a college library at the age of sixteen whilst working as a photography student. more

Harvey Lloyd Thomas- 11-Talm-Puffer

Eigg without Rùm

The island of Eigg is the second largest and most populous of the Small Isles located off the west coast of Scotland south of Skye. From the mainland and arriving by sea Eigg is impossible to mistake with its towering rock prow of volcanic origin: An Sgurr more


A Scottish Winter Journey

It was a great journey with all sorts of weather and light and I learned a lot from it. I am pretty sure this will not be my last winter in Scotland. more


Norway Trip Report

During our last Meeting of Minds conference, one of our regular visitors, Trym Ivar Bergsmo, said to us “Would you like to come and stay with us in Norway sometime and allow me to show you around?” As both Charlotte and I are more of the cold climes holidaymakers rather than the beach and cocktails sort, this caught our interest immediately but in the frantic conference conditions, it slipped our minds. We checked that Trym was still amenable more


Dingle Peninsula

My friends are passionate photographers, primarily landscapers, yet with differing photographic interests and different ways of seeing and making images. more


Outer Hebrides

When Mother Nature is at her worst, the Outer Hebrides have that “edge of the world” feel, where a dramatic but unprotected coastline meets the full force of the Atlantic. more

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