on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Category Archives: Video

John Blakemore

In our third talk of the day, John Blakemore discusses the series of reinventions of his photography from his beginnings after leaving the RAF through his large format black and white projects and up to his current 35mm film work taken around his house in Derby. more


Len Metcalf

Len's talk looked into his approaches to simplicity and the use of visual punctuation as a tool to create absorbing images. At the end of the video we include a short 'behind the scenes' interview about Len's work. more


Mark Littlejohn Talk

At the Meeting of Minds conference 2017, Mark opened the event with a talk about the aesthetics and reasoning behind his use of split toning in his photography of the Lake District. more


Landscape Photography in the Death Zone

Alan's immense achievement of climbing all of the world's 8000m peaks obviously overshadows the fact that he took some photographs up there. more


The Unseen Photographer

Joe Cornish talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014. He talked about and shared some unseen work that is essentially personal. This work goes back a long way into by archive since he has been making such images since he first picked up a camera. more


Cooking up a Classic

Rafael Rojas talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014 and explained how landscape photography as a creative way of personal expression is not just capturing pretty pictures of beautiful scenery, using advanced cameras or travelling to exotic locations. more


Julian Calverley – “A Journey Into Landscape Photography”

Many people are probably only aware of Julian Calverley for his iPhone photographs and subsequent book. These gained a huge amount of coverage for Julian, so much that I think he's a little fed up of the iphonographer label. However, Julian's work is so much more than just the mobile phone and a bit of post processing. His bread and butter work are in high end advertising photography for clients such as the car manufacturers Land Rover, Aston Martin more


Chromatic Scales

David Ward talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014 and discussed our understanding of colour is on the one hand instinctive and innate. more


This Land Book Launch

Back in April Joe Cornish and Roly Smith hosted an event at The Joe Cornish gallery, to talk about the launch of their new book 'This Land'. In this video they talk through how they chose the images & the stories behind them. more


Transitions – Black and White and Colour

Paul Gallagher talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014 and discussed his experiences and the freedom to return to colour landscape photography. more


Iceland – The Inspiration for the Book

Hans Strand talked at the Meeting of Minds Conference 2014 about the inspiration for his book Iceland. more


Professional and Personal – An Illustrated Discussion with Paul Wakefield

Pau Wakefield was one of the speakers at the 2014 Meeting of Minds Conference, which was recorded. Through the means of an illustrated interview with the photographer David Ward, Paul and David talk about how he has balanced his commercial work with the need to continue doing his personal work. more


From Red River to the River Winter – A look at projects in contemporary landscape photography

Jem Southam was one of the speakers at the 2014 Meeting of Minds conference, which was recorded. Jem Southam is critically regarded as one of the most important British photographers of the last twenty five years. Working with a 10x8 view camera and colour negative film, his patient pursuit of his art seems at odds with the frenetic pace of life in the 21st Century. more


Dan Rubin – “From Instant Film to iPhone”

Dan Rubin joined us at the Photography Show on the Linhof Studio stand in March 2016. He gave an inspiring talk on his working practice and his discovery and use of Instagram. more


Joe Cornish on “Antarctica Reflections”

Joe Cornish joined us at The Photography Show on the Linhof Studio stand in March 2016. He gave a short talk on photography in the world’s most extreme landscapes. We recorded the talk and produced the video for you to watch. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.