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Spring has well and truly sprung up here in the Highlands of Scotland. Typically later than the rest of the country, this year has been delayed even further by a Winter that has hung on and on until, just few weeks ago, a combination of good sunny days mixed with decent showers pushed everything to bud almost simultaneously. Now it’s as if Winter was never here and it’s getting greener by the day. Still, we have a few more weeks of subtle greens before the real GREEN arrives. Summer provides it’s own challenges, although balanced against the insane sunrise hours are the more respectable sunset scheduling ending up coinciding with last orders up here in the Highlands. Personally, despite the midges and the GREEN, I quite like Summer. It’s a reminder that there’s more to life than the next post on Facebook and gives me a chance to spend some long days scrambling around in the hills. It also gives me a bit more time to finish off Shed #3, which will allow space in Shed #2 for a darkroom and video studio (more from those to come at the end of this year!). So don’t mourn the coming season, get out and immerse yourself in the reason we’re landscape photographers in the first place, because we love the land!
Tim Parkin

Issue 159 PDF
In this issue Rafael Rojas looks at language and labels, Paul Gallagher looks at the anatomy of grey and much more. more

End frame: Kärrmark by Jan Tove
The chaos has become cosmos, order. But there is something unpleasant about the picture, the branches stick to me and the moody colour scale and the messy bushes force the viewer to choose whether it's beautiful or just scary. more

Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Susan Rowe, Olivier Caire, Connor Finch & Aaron Dickson more

Five Days in Glencoe
With Spring well and truly Sprung and summer on its way, we've taken the opportunity to reflect on some of the highlights of Winter. more

Antonio Aleo
This issue we're talking to Antonio Aleo, an excellent photographer from Italy who specialises in his local area of Calabria. Most of the images included are from his work in the local forests in Calabria. more

The Label
A single word, a label, can narrowly define the whole life of an artist, directing not only the audience into a single way of understanding and experiencing his or her work, but also shaping the artist himself. more

On Bredon Hill
Bredon Hill is a gentle dome rising to just shy of 1,000 feet at an iron age hill fort on its northwestern ‘corner’ overlooking the more or less flat River Avon and River Severn valleys more

The Northern Photography and Video Show 2018
Now in year three, we've tweaked the name to 'The Northern Photography & Video Show', reflecting the growing regional audience and acknowledging a widening interest in video as lines between photographers and videographers continues to blur. more

The Anatomy of Grey
A lot of today’s black and white images seem to be missing some of the subtle mid greys that I love so much. more

I knew the haiku would be the route back to the poetry of the landscape. Being a Gaelic speaker I decided to write them in that language to accompany my photographs and the ‘Gaiku’ was born. more

Space Not Things
The key point for me is that I am seeing, in the context of ‘photograph’, with all of my assumptions and biases. The concepts I bring to viewing a photograph are cultural, learned. more