on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Landscape Photographer of the Year
Brimham Rocks, North Yorkshire
Hindsight – Hardcastle Crags
Borders Sunset
Winds of Change, Windows of Opportunity
Shooting into the Sun

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Just a quick email to say that the "Great British Landscapes" website launched at midday today (18th October). We're staggering the content over the rest of the day but it should all be live by early evening. There are two articles live already, a screencast by Joe Cornish talking about three of his images, discussing why and how they were taken, and also a 'Letter from Scotland' written by Richard Childs, talking about a trip into the mountains with 'changeable' weather. You can also see a short news item and photos of the session we delivered at the National Media Museum, which should hopefully be available on video soon.

We really hope you enjoy the first issue and look forward to getting more articles and guides from more photographers over the next few months.


Content Issue One

Landscape Photographer of the Year

Corfe Castle - Anthony Spencer It's that time of year again where hundreds of photographers around the UK end up dazed and confused and a small handful end up quite happy and one quite rich. Yes it's the Take a View competition - the UK's only dedicated landscape photography competition. I have been quite critical of the competition previously and have drawn more


Brimham Rocks, North Yorkshire

The victorians thought it was some form of Druidic place of religious significance, such is the astonishing variety of rock outcrops and features more


Hindsight – Hardcastle Crags

‘Hindsight’ screencasts - we review a picture that works well, a picture from the same session that didn’t quite make the grade and a shot that was archived. more


Borders Sunset

We will be concentrating on how to make pictures work better; How to balance light, emphasise structure and guide the eye. more


Winds of Change, Windows of Opportunity

Pre-conceived images may take months to fulfil, relying on a set of conditions to make them work. Yet every failed attempt spawns new ideas and images. more


Shooting into the Sun

Today, modern cameras make a mockery of the exposure problems facing our photographic forebears. Nevertheless, shooting into the light still brings with it a multitude of problems. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.