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Tim Parkin

The Perils of Testing
The critics were quick to call the test biased but I had the impression that there were a few different complicating factors... more

Photographers versus Image Libraries
Have you considered placing images with an image agency? Perhaps you have had work accepted by a library and are waiting for the money to start coming in? more

Guy Tal
Guy Tal is writing an article for us but we thought you'd like a podcast to listen to whilst you are out on location or just travelling to work. more

Introduction to Masks
In our second post processing instalment, we take a closer look at curves for contrast adjustments and targeted brightening and darkening of the image. more

David Mould
David Mould lives on the top edge of Glasgow with amazing access to Loch Lomond and Glencoe. He has had quite a profile recently... more

Landscape Revisited – Joe Cornish & Kane Cunningham
Tim Parkin, ably assisted by Andrew Nadolski produced a short video interview with Joe and Kane as they walked us around the event. more