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Tim Parkin

The Rheine – Andreas Gursky
When news of Gursky’s record breaking picture hit the headlines I realised what a visceral reaction it had stirred up in many photographers. more

Hello, Nice to Meet you
I have a strange relationship with my new photos. This is to do with working with film and its lack of immediacy, also because they are previously glimpsed more

Poppit Sands Exploration
Michael is best known for his exploration at Poppit Sands, west Wales. The commitment is remarkable because the area is about the size of a football pitch. more

Gallery – Joe Cornish
Joe’s sixth published book had a bit to prove in some people’s eyes but they shouldn't be too disappointed. The quality of the book is wonderful with exceptionally good paper and printing. more

Art of Adventure – Bruce Percy
A lot of the images in the book are environmental portraits taken in various third world countries (India, Nepal, Cambodia, Ethiopia and South America). more

Hipstamatic Landscape Photography
Hipstamatic has probably done a large amount to drive the iPhone to become the most used camera on Flickr. It has been used in art projects and exhibitions. more