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It’s been a bit megapixel madeness in the news these last few weeks, what with the D800 exciting journalists left, right and centre. However, we wanted to get a take on the camera from the point of view of a working landscape photographer to see just how it works in the field. Andrew Nadolski had an early purchase and has been using the camera these last couple of weeks and is waiting to answer any questions you have about it. Another new device on the ‘streets’ is the new resolutionary iPad with it’s retina display, supposedly designed so that owls can use facetime to spot mice without having to get out of their tree (supposedly). We’ve taken a look and compared it with the old iPad and against a reference monitor to see how it stacks up. Depth of field is a big issue for landscape photographers and we’ve written a fairly comprehensive overview this issue to be followed by in depth articles about each aspect in future issues. Jon Brock has also let us include an extract of his self published Blurb book with a few photographs and in a double special David Langan shows his latest project on the ‘Dark Beach’ and also shows us what he got up to with that SLR he won a few months back.
Tim Parkin

Ingredients for Photography
When it comes to improving their photography many photographers fall into the trap of placing the equipment at the top of the list. They presume that the latest upgrade or the next model up the range will be just what they need to take better photographs. Now don't get me wrong, if you have great photographic craft then better equipment can capture better images but if you're starting out more

The endless variety of wonderfully sculpted shapes was simply overwhelming and I was constantly torn between taking shots to show the folks back home, and taking a more measured approach with an artistic intent. more

Melanie Foster
Quite often, the serious landscape photographer, particularly the large format variety, is thought of as a typically male profession - however, when we do see many women picking up a camera they quite often show just what the men should have been doing all along. Mel Foster is very good example of someone who stepped into her photography with an almost perfectly formed style from day one (especially with her more

Challenge Yourself!
Twisted Birches If, like me, you spend time on photo-sharing websites, both sharing your own work and viewing what others are getting up to, you will doubtless be aware of the dangers of getting too comfortable - complacent, even. Once you get to a level of ability where you can reliably produce images which receive lots of positive comments from your peer group, there is more

Northwest Beginnings
We visited an exhibition in the 1066 gallery where Julian Calverley has been exhibiting his photographs of Scotland under the title Northwest Beginnings. more

In Depth (of field)
Our last article on depth of field took an overview of all of the ‘techniques’. This article is the first one to look into depth of field in depth but don’t worry, we’ll also break out now and again to give you some simple ideas for use in the field. The first thing to cover is “What is depth of field?”. A lot of people have the assumption that everything in the “depth of field” is sharp and everything outside more