on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Edward Burtynsky at the Photographers’ Gallery
Exhibition review
Introduction to Sharpening
Sharpening and blur - clarified
Adventures of a Landscape Photographer – Part 1
Trip report from The Hebrides
Travelling Light?
Walking and serious Landscape Photography - an Oxymoron ?
Quarries – Edward Burtynsky
Book review
Manufactured Landscapes – Edward Burtynsky
Book review
Oil – Edward Burtynsky
Book review

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Thirty Nine

Edward Burtynsky at the Photographers’ Gallery

Edward Burtynsky : Oil 4th floor (Barbara Lloyd Gallery) installation © Dennis Gilbert Courtesy The Photographers’ Gallery The Photographers’ Gallery at 16- 18 Ramillies Street © Kate Elliott Courtesy The Photographers’ Gallery The Photographers’ Gallery reopened to the public on Saturday 19 May after more


Introduction to Sharpening

Quite a few readers have asked us about sharpening over the last few months. It’s such a big subject that it’s probably best to split up into a series of posts which means that this issue we have an introduction to blur and sharpening. The first step is to understand what blur is, where it comes from and what it looks like. Let’s take a look at two types of blur. Types of Blur The first type of blur is probably familiar more


Adventures of a Landscape Photographer – Part 1

The alarm goes off at 4.40am. Outside my tent it’s minus 3 degrees with a cold northerly wind that’s been trying to blow the tent off the mountain throughout the night and even the dog is cold! It's just started to hail again and as the first signs of daylight are beginning to show in the sky, it's clear that this isn't going to be a classic sunrise! Believe it or not, this is Scotland in May and not more


Travelling Light?

On a long walk or if I'm engaged in a non photographic activity (like dog walking) then schlepping a DSLR outfit becomes impractical and a tripod a non starter more


Quarries – Edward Burtynsky

Burtynsky's Quarries project was the work that initially drew me to him. The sublime beauty of these photographs and their compositional poise made it accessible without knowing anything about issues involved or the artistic reputation of the photographer. This is Burtynsky's goal as far as I can tell though - to engage through beauty and then let the visual facts do the hard moving. This isn't original, but it is effective. In the Quarries book the message isn't overtly political more


Manufactured Landscapes – Edward Burtynsky

Published in 2003, Lori Pauli’s short biography and review of Burtynsky’s work to date provide some excellent historical and contextual background. more


Oil – Edward Burtynsky

Oil is Burtynsky’s masterpiece, he uses formal compositions to find beauty in almost anything, until we start to really see his chosen subject. more

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