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We've been hearing lots of good things about Iain Sarjeant's Exhibiton "Among Trees" and we're featuring an interview with him in this issue as well as a review of the exhibition by one of the first visitors. Exhibitions are undoubtedly the best way of seeing photographs but for most people it is books that become the best compromise between availability and quality. And Andris Apse's "Light and Landscape" is the sort of beautiful book that does it so well. We're also talking about social media, featured photographer Fran Halsall, Glen Orchy location guide and we're also welcoming a couple of new members of the On Landscape team - Andrew Nadolski and Jenny Ward.
Tim Parkin

Bridge of Orchy, Argyll and Bute
Ok, that title may be a little outrageous, however on the right day, in the right conditions, this part of the world is truly remarkable for us photographers. Based on the A82 at the Southern edge of the Scottish Highlands, the bridge acts as a junction for two particular points of photograph interest. To the right of the bridge is Loch Tulla. A sweeping loch near to Black Mount, popular for its access by road and beautiful forest to more

Fran Halsall
Fran Halsall should be quite well known to any of you who have an affection for the Peak District. more

Social Media versus Photography
Social media! It’s one of those things that has now become a part of day-to-day life for everyone and for a photographer it is no exception. Back when I started learning photography things where very different; For example, we respected our lecturers talents because of the time they put into each shoot from loading film through to the dark room processes. Nowadays it seems that everyone on social media sites has a friend who can do it cheaper with more

Among Trees – Iain Sarjeant
Following the opening of my solo exhibition ‘Among Trees’ near Inverness in the Scottish Highlands last week, Tim asked me to write a small piece about my exhibition experiences. Although I have exhibited many times in group shows over the years, this is my first experience of mounting a solo show, and presenting a body of work. I have always been drawn to photograph trees, and ‘Among Trees’ was the first series that I worked on, changing the way I more

First Light – Joe Cornish
I first read Joe Cornish’s First Light about 7 years ago and it had a dramatic effect on my photography. First Light is not - as you might think - about the light first thing in the morning but about the light coming first. This could be first thing in the morning or the evening or infact any time of the day, but what is important is the quality of the light. The book is split into 7 chapters more

Andris Apse
Andris Apse originally came to my attention through his inclusion in the seminal ‘World’s Top Landscape Photographers’ (a pivotal book for me, despite it’s weak points). His image of Breaksea Sound, Fiordland being of particular dramatic note. Since then I had not heard much about him but it was when Alex Nail mentioned him in our Featured Photographer section and then more recently Phil Malpas that I thought I should try to get hold of a book or two. [s2If more

Welcome to Jenny Ward, Andrew Nadolski and other stuff
We'd like to update you on the changes taking place at On Landscape. We're changing a few things over the next couple of months which includes a bit of a design refresh, a few editorial changes (all for the good I assure you!) and we've also added a couple of new members to the team. Firstly Andrew Nadolski has been helping with the redesign and as soon as we more