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Busy times in the On Landscape offices as we've been asked to judge the first round of the Landscape Photographer of the Year competition and also to act as technical arbiter of both the Landscape Photographer of the Year and the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competitions. At the moment we're looking through thousands of photos and we hope to be able to talk about the process in a future issue. All I can say at the moment is that there was no problem picking a selection of great images out of the submissions - there is some amazing and varied photography around.
We're also moving offices from the city to the country (from Leeds to the Yorkshire Wolds), a busy time but the future ability to just open the door and be in beautiful landscape is one that I hope will be the impetus to kick my own photography off again.
Our feature article this issue is a video interview with Marc Wilson about a project that requires an awful lot of travel documenting the decaying sea defences of the second world war. Both Marc Wilson and David Langan are raising money for projects through crowdfunding, David's own project is a more local affair, working within a few hundred square yard area near his home Aberdeen.
Jon Wyatt writes about his move from winter sports photography to fine art and David Clapp has created a video describing gamut clipping in Photoshop and Lightroom and what you can do about it.
We've spent some time getting our book photography up to scratch and hope to feature more of the great range of new and out of print books that we've researched. This issue has a brand new book from On Landscape acquaintance John Parminter and a selection of books by Neil McIlwraith from Beyond Words as a follow up to our Distant Horizons article in the last issue.
Finally our Featured Photographer, Jim Robertson, has a particular affinity for the coast. From his home near Lossiemouth he produces some excellent seascapes.
Tim Parkin

Issue 60 PDF
You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. Click here to download issue 60 more

The Last Stand
The initial idea actually came out of other work I did about eight or nine years ago which was called "Abandoned", which led to places that had some social or political or historical significance and memories, stuff like that. more

Jon Wyatt
A background in business and snowboarding helped Jon Wyatt create a successful business in photography but the move from commercial photographer to fine art photographer isn't the easiest. more

A Boscage of Birch
Just under a year ago, I started hatching a plan for a photography project which would not only be different from my previous work but would provide a genuine challenge. more

Exporting for Accurate Colour
David Clapp follows on from our short article last issue about icc profiles with a look at gamut and how you can ensure that your pictures don't clip colours. more

Scotland’s Fifty Finest Mountains
The book, "Scotland's Fifty Finest Mountains, A Photographic Exploration" is a great fit for John's ethos and approach. Choosing the top fifty was always going to be a challenge though and it sounds like this wasn't settled until just prior to print. more

Jim Robertson
Jim Robertson featured in our 4x4 portfolio recently and I asked him if he could answer some questions for our featured photographer section more

Distant Horizons – The Books
Beyond Words kindly added a paragraph to our article about the sea horizon meme and we ordered a few of these. As we've spent a few days getting our book photography perfected we thought we'd include the ones we purchased here. more