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So the holidays are over and it's back to work for everyone. Given the weather in the UK at the moment that's no great loss to us photographers though. I hope you've all had a refreshing break and possibly got a few new toys to play with in the new year. We had a chat with a few of a our regulars and asked them what 2013 was like and what they hope to see in 2014 and asked them to show some of their favourite work from the last year. I for one wished to get out a little bit more, a desire I'm sure is matched by many a photographer, professional or amateur.
The new year is going to be interesting for many reasons for On Landscape not least the conference in November for which we're now taking bookings. We'll be featuring interviews with the speakers and portfolios over the coming months.
Everyone knows that On Landscape likes the occasional tree photograph and even David Clapp is moving from auroral to arboreal in his latest article on misty woods. Hans Strand has a particular love of woodland and what woodland they have in Sweden! Hans talks through a few of his photographs and the ways he sees them.
David Ward takes a look at the history of landscape photography and the way that we have seen the landscape, touching on elements of the sublime and picturesque along the way. Great reading and a lot of links to follow to new info.
Finally we have a great interview with our featured photographer Esen Tunar and I have written a second in my series on colour in photography - this time looking at how our memory and knowledge of colour affects the actual colours we see.
Here's hoping for more photographic opportunities for everyone in 2014!
Tim Parkin

Issue 68 PDF
You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. Click here to download issue 68 more

The Forest
Ever since I started photography in the early eighties I have been strongly attached to the forest. The tranquillity, the scents and the feeling comfort being embraced by trees, stimulates my senses. more

Changing Landscapes?
The representations of the vista we commonly see in photography are still largely bound to the landscape traditions that arose in painting in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. more

Hans Strand’s 2013
hope for new good images from the places I am going to see and that I will survive one more year in this wonderful job. more

David Ward’s 2013
We asked a number of our contributors to answer a few questions on their past year and what 2014 holds. more

Andrew Nadolski’s 2013
Porth Nanven. I think I only made around three trips to Porth Nanven during 2013. The constant change of this unique beach continues to draw me back. 2013 saw a change of film stock for me - moving from Reala to Portra 160. more

Joe Cornish’s 2013
Steelworks and Valerian. The industrial landscapes of our area provides a fascinating contrast to the moors. This image distils an aspect I always find optimistic… the recovery of nature in a wasteland polluted by heavy metals and toxic chemicals. Linhof Techno, IQ180, Rodenstock Digaron-W 40mm f/4 more

Tim Parkin’s 2013
Paul Moon took me out on my first outing after moving to the Yorkshire Wolds and after much huffing and puffing getting up the steep banks (from me - Paul’s fit as a fiddle) we were greeted with the sun cresting the other side of Millington Pastures. more

Doug Chinnery’s 2013
I am not good at predictions although I do think we will continue to see more photographers, especially the young and the older leaving the bulk and weight of the DSLR systems in favour of the mirror-less systems such as the Fuji X. more

Memory Colour
In the first article in our series on colour, we jumped in a bit at the deep end and looked at just what colour is. This second article will take a look at our perceptions of colour and debunk the accepted belief that colour is something that an object has and that we can clearly see just by looking. more

Two Days in the Clouds
Do I like putting messy forests in order? No, not particularly, but I am glad I ventured in as I found something I was not expecting, which can only be a good thing. more

Esen Tunar
Esen Tunar has been impressing people with his astrophotography and aurora pictures on Flickr for some time but he's not just a sky watcher as the images in this weeks featured photographer show. more