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Welcome to Issue 71 of OnLandscape from a wild and wet North West of Scotland. A hectic but brilliant couple of weeks spent in the company of some great photographers in Iceland and latterly in Scotland - although I could have done without the 11hr drive to get here comes to an end this week with some down time to catch my breath. It really re-invigorates your creative juices spending time with such talented photographers.
Thank you to all of you who stopped by to see Dave and Andrew at the Photography Show, it was busy busy busy so apologies if they didn't get a lot of time to spend talking with you.
In this issue we have the first in a series of articles from David Ward following on from his webinar. We feature Valda Bailey whose personal approach to In Camera Movement and Multiple Exposure photography is refreshingly different and worth more than a cursory look. We have her to thank for our cover image this issue. We have an article from Joe Cornish as you have never seen him before - behind a smart phone !
Lastly we have the final article from me on the preparation and delivery of my exhibition at the Ryedale Centre.
Tim Parkin

Issue 71 PDF
You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. Click here to download issue 71 more

On Creativity – Part 1
During my recent webinar for On Landscape I was struck by the fact that one question kept coming up in a number of different guises: how do I go about finding an image? more

Valda Bailey
If gaining recognition with multiple exposure images through competitions is the defining factor then my progress has been lamentably slow. more

How did it all happen?
Around ten years ago, when (from my point of view) shooting 5x4 inch film was the only show in town, I was one of a number of photographers asked to participate in a BBC series about digital photography. The presenter, Tom Ang, asked me to use a phone, to see how I got on with it and how I could apply it in daily use. It was embarrassing in more

The Landscape – Paul Wakefield
This is the latest book by British photographer Paul Wakefield. A long awaited monograph that includes photographs of both epic proportions and intimate detail. more

Exhibition Planning Part 3
This is the third and final instalment of my “journey into world of exhibitions” article. more

Blind Critique with David Clapp (Part Two)
We had to run a second Blind Critique Webinar with David Clapp because of the volume of submissions. We might have gone a bit quick through these but we hope you got some good feedback. more