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Over the past month I've been having to say goodbye to one of my best friends. Since I had a major accident 19 years ago Stanley has kept me (fairly) sane through thick and thin but a large tumour finally ended a long and happy life. Stanley was 'only' a cat but it's the relationships we have with people and things that dictate our connection with them and ultimately our loss. This week I've been out with my camera for the first time for quite a while and I'd forgotten what a consolation being in the landscape can be. What seems unbearable becomes less so in the vicinity of our natural surroundings. Perhaps the picture making wasn't as successful as usual but the familiar process helped engage with the environment and ultimately shifted my mood.
You probably noticed a missing issue going past recently and I can only apologise and hope you understand. Usually we only miss an issue for our holiday (at the end of October) and at Christmas. We hope you don't mind the unannounced shift of 'holiday' and will be bringing you the next issue from our two weeks in Glencoe, Scotland - which could make things interesting!
Finally, in conference news we're happy to say that everything is rolling along well. We've confirmed all of our exhibitors and are pleased to announce Canon UK, Park Cameras and Paramo Clothing. We will be visiting the venue to make some final location and technical checks at the start of November. Ticket sales are going very well and we're certain we will have reached our target numbers in the next few weeks.
Thanks for your support and patience.
Tim Parkin

Issue 82 PDF
You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. Click here to download issue 82 more

Wood Week – Exhibition and Talk
From 6.00pm – 7.15pm on Friday 17 October Joe Cornish will be in conversation with contributing photographers including Tim Parkin, Dav Thomas, Stuart Royse, Lizzie Shepherd, Paul Harris and John Irvine. The exhibition of prints from these photographers will continue until Saturday the 8th of November. Bolehill - Tim Parkin more

UK’s Largest Platinum Exhibition
David Higgs' latest exhibition, entitled 'Weald', opens on November 8th. The culmination of a 5 year exploration of the hills, ghylls, heaths and ancient woodland he calls home, David has hand printed over 50 images in platinum. The exhibition runs until the end of March 2015, with the private view between 2-4pm on Saturday November 8th (OL members welcome). You can see more of David's exhibition images at his website more

Composition Challenge
Whilst planning the September board meeting for On Landscape and a planning meeting for the conference we decided that another office based discussion could be avoided by hiring a cottage in the Peak District for a few days and combining the event with a bit of photography, food and drink. On the final day we paid a visit to the top end of Padley Gorge and I challenged Joe Cornish, David Ward and myself to find three or four more

End Frame – “Poverty Flats” by David Ward
Like anyone asked to pick an End Frame, I feel a little intimidated by the prospect. How do you pick your favourite ever image? I don’t know that I could do that. The problem is that if I chose a favourite image now, it may well not be my favourite tomorrow, and almost certainly wouldn’t be my favourite in a year. What is more interesting is to find the image that has taught me the most over my photographic career. more

Joe Cornish Talks
Joe Cornish has had very little time to give talks in the last couple of years. So you might like to know that he is doing a special one-off evening event in London at the Royal Geographical Society on Friday October 24th. Joe would be delighted to see you there. You can get tickets at the Wildscreen Photography Festival website. Joe will also be hosting the Natural more

In the Realm of Spirit
But sometimes artists with different aims do independently produce superficially similar images. So it is with the some of the works of Minor White and Paul Kenny. more

Pentax 645z
(This is not a technical review - that has already been done brilliantly elsewhere (here, here and here) This article is I hope the start of a rolling users review of the camera - from a landscape photographers perspective. No walls will be harmed in the making of this review. Or family pets.) Some background My love affair with Pentax started just as I was getting into photography, back in 2003, with the venerable Canon D60. more

Weather watching
Weather watching Although there is no way of exerting control over the weather (cloud-seeding experiments aside) a bit of knowledge about how changes in atmospheric conditions affect the type and density of cloud cover, and conversely, what clouds can reveal about the coming conditions, will allow for a more successful prediction of what will happen next. As photographers, rather than meteorologists, all we can ever really hope for is an understanding of trends. However, as detailed observers of the more

John Finney
John Finney creates atmospheric landscape images – misty mornings, trees and villages lost in the fog, valleys and hillsides draped in cloud and punctuated by piercing light - frequently dynamic views in which weather is a major element. more

On Landscape Photography Conference
Tim: Hello and welcome to On Landscape. I’m here with David Ward, in On Landscape’s Living Room, and we’re just going to talk a little bit about the upcoming conference in November, because David is not only speaking, but helping to organise it, aren’t you David? David: I am, which is really exciting. Do I get to wear a dinner jacket on the night itself? Tim: I think for the evening more