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Autumn has hit in full force here in the UK but unfortunately so has the remnants of hurricane Gonzalo. Our editor is currently in the West of Scotland in a permanent state of getting wet and drying out but despite the rain and wind there are still possibilities (even if it comes down to sticking the lens of the 10x8 camera out of the window of the campervan!).
The colours in Scotland are beautiful and definitely peaked in the last week so I imagine England will be peaking in the next week too so look up your local woodland or arboretum for some autumnal colour. We've got some autumnal articles for you this issue too with a look into the science of autumn and some comments on autumnal colour from the England and the Swiss Alps.
We've also had a few comments about the PDF download being a bit slow to download. This isn't because the server has got slower, it is because we noticed that you couldn't zoom in on the smaller pictures. We've rectified the problem but it means the PDF has gone back up in size to about 40Mb.
For those in the Northern hemisphere we hope you have some great seasonal colour and the leaves don't all drop off too soon!
Tim Parkin

Issue 83 PDF
You can download the PDF by following the link below. The PDF can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat or by using an application such as Goodreader for the iPad. Click here to download issue 83 more

Above and Below by Hans Strand
The key to the success of Hans' pictures are their beautifully balanced compositions. more

Tom McLaughlan
Look beyond the pattern and colour of Tom McLaughlan’s abstracted buildings and structures and you will find something organic. more

Beautiful Brockwell Park
The height of summer The old park Three years ago, I wrote an article for this magazine about my Brockwell Park project, aimed to tie in with an exhibition here in south London. It was the culmination of the previous three years spent photographing the park through the seasons with the aim (there has to be a grand aim) of demonstrating how seasonal changes transform more

Along the river Inn – Autumn in Engadine
One of the joys of living in Switzerland, as I have done for the past fourteen years, is the annual display of colour that marks this time of year. From the vineyards scattered along the northern side of Lake Geneva to the beech forests of the Jura and from the wooded hills of Ticino, replete with sweet chestnut, to the larch-covered mountainsides of Graubünden, Switzerland is a blaze of intense yellows, reds and ochres from mid-October up until winter's more

Autumnal Notes
I decided to make a foray into my local woods last weekend (5th October), my first visit for quite some months. The forecast was promising – clearing skies, a drop in temperature and no wind. As predicted there was a light ground frost, low lying mist with a promise of post dawn streams of light. Three hours later I was driving back home with a warm glow and eager to download the fruits of my labour. more

The Path of Some Resistance
With the exception of my love of wild places, photography had so far been the most persistent thread in my life more

The Science of Autumn
Every autumn we go through the same cycles of: “Autumn is early!”, “Autumn is late!”, “It looks like a good one coming”, “The leaves will be gone by November”. Our knowledge of the vagaries of autumnal colour is that loose that we grasp hold of any indicator that might support previous experience or not. I thought that this Autumn I would find out a little bit more about the processes behind our arboreal splendor and try to use this knowledge more