on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 133 PDF
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
Yes We Can
Encouraging female photographers to get ‘out there’
Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios
Peter Stevens, Fabrizio Marocchini, David Haughton & David Cary
Endframe: Seattle Gasworks by David Fokos
Michael Prince talks about one of his favourite images
Thomas Joshua Cooper
An Interview
Fay Godwin – The Drovers’ Roads of Wales and Other Photographs Exhibition
MOMA, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales – 11th February to 1st April 2017
A Technique for Editing Your Photography…
Not just another task
Scott Robertson
Featured Photographer
Surviving Winter
Avoiding Hypothermia (and worse!)

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

The Photography Show is running again at the moment and for the first year in a long time we haven’t attended. It’s probably a good thing as we’ve travelled back and forth from our new base in Scotland a lot in the last few weeks including setting up the new On Landscape exhibition at the Joe Cornish gallery where we also hosted a discussion of Joe’s First Light book and the role of influence and inspiration in photography (the exhibition is running for the next few months so try and visit if you can!). Although I miss the social side of the Photography Show, I don’t particularly miss the overt sales agenda. Every stand under pressure to part you from your money (and I don’t need much pressure to be honest). There are a few interesting things that could part you from your cash though - the new Fuji GFX 50S with the Sony medium format sensor looks very interesting (plus the Hasselblad X1D if they manage to show one off). What I really miss is the chance to browse some photography books. Putting you hands on the paper and feeling the quality is so much better than ordering online and hoping for the best. To make up for it, I plan on visiting Neil McIlwraith of the online book seller “Beyond Words” to see if he’ll let me browse his storeroom instead and hopefully we’ll bring a few books back for review!

Click here to download issue 133 (high quality, 105Mb)

Click here to download issue 133 (smaller download, 51Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue One Hundred and Thirty Three

Issue 133 PDF

The Photography Show is running again at the moment and for the first year in a long time we haven’t attended. It’s probably a good thing as we’ve travelled back and forth from our new base in Scotland a lot in the last few weeks including setting up the new On Landscape exhibition at the Joe Cornish gallery. more


Yes We Can

Encouraging female photographers to get ‘out there’ on their own at the more ‘unsociable hours’ of the day or night – and experience the immense photographic and personal satisfaction in doing so! more


Subscribers 4×4 Portfolios

Our 4x4 feature is a set of 4 landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers: Peter Stevens, Fabrizio Marocchini, David Haughton & David Cary more


Endframe: Seattle Gasworks by David Fokos

Some images pass by while others grab your attention immediately but still allow you to move on. Others both grab your attention immediately and get under your skin. more


Thomas Joshua Cooper

Last year, Colin McClean suggested that we should interview with Thomas Joshua Cooper, the Professor and founder of the Fine Art Photography Department at Glasgow School of Art, and with Colin's connections with the Department, he offered to help arrange it. more


Fay Godwin – The Drovers’ Roads of Wales and Other Photographs Exhibition

Fay Godwin’s work advertised as ‘The Drovers’ Roads of Wales and Other Photographs’ in the MOMA Gallery, Machynlleth, Wales. more


A Technique for Editing Your Photography…

You may have your own methods, for your own purpose. For each of us, these might be very different. I hope these thoughts might add something to your own thinking and workflow. more


Scott Robertson

This was my first proper introduction to the world of landscape photography and it was these landscape interpretations that tugged on my imagination and emotions unlike my own snap happy creations. more


Surviving Winter

In the same way, how many photographers do a proper review of their kit before heading out to capture the beauty of the Winter landscape? And how much awareness do we have of some of the risks we may be running when we are lured by the crystalline magic of the season..? more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.