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Summertime has arrived in the Highlands. Midges, tourists and an unprecedented 23 degrees for the last week! I’ve spent the time mostly inside, tweaking the website and submission system for the third year of the Natural Landscape Awards. The competition entries launched today (June 1st), and everything seems to be working smoothly (never a given when technology is involved). A competition that checks the validity of entries is probably more relevant than ever, given the convincing job with which AI image generators can generate high-resolution jpegs. There’s something reassuring about opening a book representing the best of the competition and knowing that each image is just as it appears and every image has passed a rigorous checking process. We’re really happy with the way last year’s book ended up looking, and also with the inclusion of a PDF of photographer’s details and notes on their experience taking the images which all made for an absorbing read.
If you’re interested in the competition, we’ve got a 15% discount code valid for the next two weeks, ONLAND15 (although you can buy a 50% discount off our books for $20 if you enter the competition). I’m also writing an overview of last year’s book for our next issue. Thanks to everyone who has supported the competition, we really hope we can keep it running for the foreseeable future!
Tim Parkin

Issue 280
Click here to download issue 280 (high quality, 134Mb) Click here to download issue 280 (smaller download, 87Mb) more

End frame: Between Dog and Wolf by Chrystel Lebas
The title Between Dog and Wolf refers to the French expression entre chien et loup, which is used to describe the time of day when it is too dark to distinguish between a dog and a wolf. more

4×4 Portfolios
Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted by: Ian Meades, Katherine Keates, Maurizio Catania & Steve J. Giardini more

Solitude or Isolation?
I love the connection with nature, the time spent in the elements, and the sheer joy of creating and printing an image. The benefits to me are immeasurable and far outweigh any downside more

Defining Self Expression in Photography
Thinking about all this brought to mind the Paul Strand quote above. I confess that this quote used to cause me much consternation. Do I have something to say about the world? If so, what is it? Am I supposed to be saying something about the world in my photographs? more

Sigfrido Zimmermann
I find joy in sharing my knowledge of biology with my audience and especially when I’m able to do that through my photographs. I like to bring awareness to organisms or ecological processes that my audience might not have known about. more

Black in the Landscape
Real black is rather rare in the landscape. The black clouds on the horizon, the black depths of a lake, or the blackness of the night sky are rarely, in fact, black. Photographers require light to record on film or a digital sensor, and black is the absence of light. Black surfaces are those that absorb most of the light falling on them and emit little back more

Through the Imaginative Landscape of J. M. W. Turner
Seven photographers and one painter from the Czech Republic participated in the project on J. M. W. Turner - Miroslava Bedřichová, Jitka Bejdáková, Hana Janíčková, Vladimír Kysela, Lea Luxemburgová, Miroslava Trusková, Břetislav Ulrich a Stanislav Zela. more