on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Issue 310
Browse On Landscape on your Tablet, iPad or Desktop
End frame: Weir, Hollyford River, Fijordland by Tony Bridge
Charlotte Bellamy chooses one of her favourite images
Len Metcalf
Featured Photographer
Practicing Photography in a Strange New World
Your photography, your mission
Any Questions, with special guest Paul Gallagher
Episode Eight
The Kingdom of Rust
man's attempt at constraining nature

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Viewpoint Editor’s Letter editor@onlandscape.co.uk
Tim Parkin

Back in the editorial for Issue 304, I mentioned that I’d been developing a combined midge net and glasses that could be used for photography and climbing (and more) and I’d started selling them. I’d also sent out a few samples to see what the ‘influencers’ might think. I received some nice comments and also a couple of reviews from photographer Mike Prince and outdoor enthusiast Chris Townsend. Combined with an instagram post from Dave MacLeod, the mentions generated quite a few sales and allowed me to build up some stock of parts. I have to admit that I thought I’d done quite well with these.

However, I’ve just opened up TGO magazine this morning and found out that, not only had they reviewed them, and very favourably, but they had also awarded them the “Accessory of the Year 2024” award in their Gear of the Year round up. My gob was well and truly smacked! I’d best get out into the shed to make some before the surge of (hoped for) orders.

The only downside mentioned by a few of our testers is that, with the perfect vision offered by them, you can now see just how many of the little blighters are surrounding you! I’ve since added a new variation to the range (which you can see on the MidgeSpecs and I’ve got a couple of polarising variations for people who stand in rivers at sunrise as part of their hobby (nutters!).

If you have ideas about the product or where to promote it, I’d be very interested. Just drop an email to tim@onlandscape.co.uk.

Tgo Review Layout

Click here to download issue 310 (high quality, 78Mb)

Click here to download issue 310 (smaller download, 40Mb)

Tim Parkin

Content Issue Three Hundred and Ten
On Landscape Issue80

Issue 310

Click here to download issue 310 (high quality, 78Mb) Click here to download issue 310 (smaller download, 40Mb) more

Tony Bridge Nz03

End frame: Weir, Hollyford River, Fijordland by Tony Bridge

The way that light sculpts the different areas of the image creates interest throughout the image and allows the eye to be guided to fall with the water through the image. more


Len Metcalf

The process of photographing and looking at your work, contemplating, and revisiting, is the basis of my artistic practice. It was how I was taught. It is how I teach too. more


Practicing Photography in a Strange New World

Your photography, your mission, and your cause should be even greater than you are. Seek to change people’s minds and impact them in some way. Share your work because you honestly feel you are making a unique and meaningful contribution to the world. more


Any Questions, with special guest Paul Gallagher

This Eighth episode features Paul Gallagher and we had many questions about conveying messages through photography, the value of English landscape photography, the challenges of photographing green landscapes, exploring colour perception in landscape photography and more. more

Gill Moon Bawdsey Steel 7414

The Kingdom of Rust

At the edge of my local beach stands a solid 4 meter high wall of steel, a once impenetrable barrier erected to protect the fragile sandy cliffs from the power of the sea. more

On Landscape is part of Landscape Media Limited , a company registered in England and Wales . Registered Number: 07120795. Registered Office: 1, Clarke Hall Farm, Aberford Road, WF1 4AL.