on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers
Tag: Brent Clark
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Adam Johanknecht – Portrait of a Photographer

The links between time spent in nature, physical discomfort, physical activity, and creativity have always interested me since I have often felt more creative during and after a difficult hike or mountain climb. more


Brent Clark

Some qualities I find admirable in my favourite artists are: confidence, attention to detail, clean and intentional composition, colour/tonal balance, creativity, deep feelings, a close relationship with their local nature, work ethic, morality, intrinsic motivation, community-building, and storytelling. more

Brentgoesoutside Portal 2

Brent Clark – Portrait of a Photographer

As he started making images, he was drawn to the awe-inspiring grand scenes he found in such places as Yosemite National Park’s “Tunnel View” and other expansive geologic formations found at many of the incredible U.S. National Parks. more

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