The Visual Language of Aerial Photography
There has been a proliferation of aerial images in contemporary Australian landscape photography. These aerial images are quite often very abstract in nature, which begs the question – what is the visual language of aerial photography? more

Roger Fishman
So part of my intention is to elevate water as an art form. To increase and change the dialogue about water. Thus, by creating images of water as art, water can be seen and felt as something super special. more

The Low Drone
In this article, I would like to zoom in on another, in my opinion much less widespread, application of the drone for landscape photography. This does not involve flying high - on the contrary. In this technique, the drone is used to create intimate landscapes more

Joe and Tim Droning On About …
This conversation between myself (Joe Cornish) and Tim Parkin was one where we hoped to explore the arrival of the drone in landscape photography and try to understand its impact. Tim is an occasional drone pilot, Joe has never even touched one. more

Carolyn Cheng
In my daily life and work, my mind likes to discern patterns from complex sets of information and I also see images in this manner. Being up in the air, where landforms can be abstracted into shapes and patterns, I can more easily apply this skill. more

A Journey into Abstraction
Can we as landscape photographers take images devoid of an understanding of the history and significance of a given place? more

There are no Straight Lines in the Wilderness
Out here in this wild and barren place, was geometric evidence of man shaping the landscape, but with conventional photography, I couldn't get the photograph I wanted. more

Geometrical Landscapes
The viewpoint has turned this into an image that is actually about something completely different. What we see here is a perfectly balanced geometric patterned rendition of the landscape. more

We interviewed Timo for our Featured Photographer spot back in May 2014. He’s currently in the final stages of preparing a new exhibition of images of the melting polar ice cap which opens in London next week. more

Interview with Diego Lopez & Patrik Larsson
After spending a week in Andalusia you get back home with images from untouched fog forests, the wetlands of Doñana, photogenic coastal areas with the Moroccan mountains in the background, desert areas, mountain views from Cazorla and Grazalema. more

Endframe: Namib Desert 03, Namibia by Bernhard Edmaier
After years of trying to achieve such clarity through simplicity in my own work, I have really come to admire Bernhard Edmaier’s stunning aerial photographs more

Iceland from above
In 1995, during my first visit to Iceland, I discovered a book with aerial photographs of Iceland by German photographer Klaus Francke. I was blown away by the colours and the complexity of the Icelandic landscape. more

Wild Waters, Wetlands & Ice
In June, lots of snow is still left in the highlands. From the air you can see patterns of colourful rhyolite mountains mixed with snow stained by volcanic ash. more

Hans Strand – Part Two
Here we have part two of our Hans Strand interview where we ask him some questions submitted by our readers and also talk to him about a selection of images. Hans talks about his books, preference for black and white, working in cold weather, compares the D800 and Hasselblad digital and much more... Tim: We’re here with On Landscape again, with some questions for Hans Strand. Hello Hans. First question from Paul Morton, who asks if you are getting any more