Zen and the art of photography
We learn that frustration is caused by desire. It's easy to agree with this wise statement. Perhaps it’s so simple that desire drives us to create pictures which we believe will be successful. more

Do you really need a philosophy for your photography?
Do you really need a philosophy for your photography? Clearly not! We take photos all the time for all sorts of reasons, sometimes thinking about our technique but almost always without thinking about any philosophical implications. more

Abstract Rhythm and Blue Notes
The Abstract Rhythm And Blue Notes Exhibition at the Horsebridge Arts Centre is a celebration of photo expressionism taking place in Whitstable, Kent, from 16-28th November 2022. more

Heraclitus and Panta Rhei – Everything Flows
Panta Rhei, translated as Everything Flows, is an aphorism that is often used as a short summary of the concepts of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus, more

Jocelyn Horsfall
Impermanence, imperfection and decay will always provide visual opportunities but are just one part of Nature’s story. more

Why Monochrome?
By working without the distraction of emotional colours I am freer to abstract the raw elements of the photograph and to steer them into my own framework of the emotions that I wish to communicate and share. more

Oriental Philosophy & Photography
Art and philosophy are tightly intertwined. Contrary to science, where we try to find answers to questions, art and philosophy look for more questions. Finding the answers to these questions might be a welcome result, but the importance is the questioning process itself rather than the answers. more

Johsel Namkung – A Retrospective
The style, reminiscent of Eliot Porter but with echos of Harry Callahan in his abstract work, is one of considered detail. This are the illustrations to the never published Zen and the Art of Landscape Photography. more