Steve Gledhill

Steve Gledhill, ARPS
I’m primarily a landscape photographer though that does encompass almost anything I find whilst out hiking. I particularly enjoy my photography when it’s building a body of work or project such as hiking The Thames Path or The Cotswold Way or Bredon Hill throughout 2016.
I aim to combine my photography with hiking. After two long distance photo-hikes (not on consecutive days) – the full length in both directions of both The Cotswold Way and The Thames Path – I looked for something much nearer home and settled on Bredon Hill near my home in Worcestershire. I started on 1st January 2016 with the objective of hiking and photographing there on average once per week throughout the year. Bredon Hill covers about 30 square miles within the encircling road and is criss-crossed by some 50 miles of public and permissive paths.
At well over half way through the year I’ve now covered many of the paths several times at different times of the day, in different weather and lighting – and in various frames of mind. And there are always new images to be found, often being a new perspective on a previous subject. The hill supports a diverse mix of agricultural land, woodland, game shooting, nature reserve as well as having a number of iron age hill forts – all of which provide me with plenty of material to work with. My ultimate objective for each photo-hiking project is to present a selection of my favourite images in a print folio and/or book as well as present a project page on my website and a progress blog.