Bob Davis

Bob Davis
I like to play, attempting to develop several styles within my photography and I'm always searching for new ways of expression.
Although I am predominately a landscape photographer I also like to dip my toe into other genres of photography.
I've always been fascinated in the circular form where ever it's found from galaxies to atoms. I studied archaeology to degree level and the circle was a reoccurring theme in prehistory that particularly interested me. Following workshops, with Paul Kenny, my interest in the form was intensified and Paul has greatly informed this work.
These images were all made on my patio at home after some sharp frosts this winter. My eye was caught by an air bubble trapped under a thick layer of ice in an old washing up bowl left on the patio on its way to the veg plot. I started experimenting with this and found I could create more bubbles by tipping the bowl. I then looked around the garden and found frozen rainwater in the bottom of circular pots, I removed these and played, resulting in these images.