Alex Nail, Barry Rosof, Dan Dragos & Nils Leonhardt

Alex Nail
Alex Nail is a professional mountain photographer who regularly backpacks in remote landscapes. He leads adventurous workshops in the UK and abroad and works for UK tourism and conservation organisations. He is a strong advocate for maintaining the realism of landscape photography.

Barry Rosof
I’m a native New Yorker, a city boy, who moved on business to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1991. After retiring I took up photography, and enjoy making images in several of its genres, including landscape.

Dan Dragos
I am Dan, a simple and modest man seeking sensitivity in nature and inspiring love for nature. I firmly believe that art reflects the photographer's soul.

Nils Leonhardt
Life is a collection of moments. And a photographer is the agent who has the power to capture these situations. In the second he portrays the light the moment is already gone. The mechanism and indeed art of photography aims to interrupt the constant progress of change that is life in order to create long-lasting memories. It always involves subjective judgement about the situation at hand. I am simply an ordinary photographer who is in love with natural light.
Welcome to our 4x4 feature which is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios submitted from our subscribers. Each portfolios consisting of four images related in some way.
Submit Your 4x4 Portfolio
Interested in submitting your work? We're on the lookout for new portfolios for the next few issues, so please do get in touch!
If you would like to submit your 4x4 portfolio, please visit this page for submission information. You can view previous 4x4 portfolios here.