on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Jackson Frishman – Portrait of a Photographer

Geology and natural processes as a creative guide

Matt Payne

Matt Payne

Matt Payne is a landscape photographer and mountain climber from Durango, Colorado. He’s the host of the weekly landscape photography podcast, “F-Stop Collaborate and Listen,” co-founder of the Nature First Photography Alliance, and co-founder of the Natural Landscape Photography Awards. He lives with his wife, Angela, his son Quinn, and his four cats, Juju, Chara, Arrow, and Vestal.


Over the past several years I have had the pleasure of being introduced time and time again to the excellent photographic artwork of Jackson Frishman, as he’s been recommended to me by so many excellent former guests of my podcast, including Sarah Marino & Ron Coscorossa. There are several interesting themes that I’ve been able to piece together over the years regarding Jackson and his work that have always intrigued me and so I strongly believe he is a great subject for this column. For starters, Jackson’s photography very much mirrors his personality – it is understated, quiet, unique, and lastly, tasteful in a time where brazen and flashy landscape photography is in vogue. Jackson’s subdued approach to photography is steady as he’s been on this path for many, many years.

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He employs a much quieter style, and he has remained true to this goal as an artist throughout his journey.

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