my new book 'Back to Iceland'

Theo Bosboom
Theo Bosboom is a passionate photographer from the Netherlands, specialising in nature and landscapes. In 2013, he turned his back on a successful legal career to pursue his dream of being a fulltime professional photographer. He is regarded as a creative photographer with a strong eye for detail and composition and always trying to find fresh perspectives.
Why (still) Iceland?
Explaining why a landscape photographer feels drawn to Iceland feels a bit redundant these days. Rather, you have something to explain if you haven't been there at least a few times. Yet in 2012, when my first book Iceland pure appeared, I still felt called to put the feeling into words what attracted me so much to this rugged island in the Atlantic Ocean:
"It is not hard to explain why Iceland is an attractive destination for a nature photographer. It has the biggest ice cap in Europe; the most beautiful and powerful waterfalls; the largest number of active volcanoes. It has puffins and harlequin ducks, wild, rocky coasts and black lava beaches, deserted plateaus and bizarre geothermal phenomena. And to top it all large areas are all but uninhabited, with tourists few and far between compared to elsewhere in Europe.
And yet this impressive roll call is only part of the reason for my continuing passion for Iceland. More important is that when I am there I feel closer to nature than I do anywhere else. It is as if I experience nature more intensely here. Iceland gets under my skin, moves me, and overwhelms me. Time and time again.”
I think I still cannot put it into words much better than this. I can only add to it that my love for Iceland still lasts, almost 17 years after my first visit in 2006. I think it is safe to say that Iceland changed my life, both professionally and personally.