What is a 4x4 Portfolio?
Our 4x4 feature is a set of four mini landscape photography portfolios from our subscribers, each consisting of four images related in some way.
We're always on the lookout for new portfolios, so please do get in touch! We are looking for contributions for the next few issues, so please do get in touch if you're interested! For previous examples of 4x4 portfolios, please visit this page.
Please use the form below to make submissions to the 4x4 portfolio.You can also submit via 'wetransfer.com' upload service or equivalent.
Don't forget to submit your portrait photo and a couple of sentences for your bio.
4x4 Submissions
Please fill out the form below and send us the images using We Transfer (or another similar service). Please use submissions@onlandscape.co.uk as the email address in the wetransfer form. Please send 2048px versions which we will use in the magazine. We will resize these to 1024px for use on the website). If you wish to send all the supporting information via wetransfer instead of this form, that is fine. We’d also like a paragraph or two of text and a black and white 4x5 headshot (at 400px by 500px or larger please). The text should give some background on why the images relate to each other. We want as diverse a set of work as possible so feel free to just pop us an email at submissions@onlandscape.co.uk to ask us a few questions if you like.