on landscape The online magazine for landscape photographers

Quiet Imagery

Taking inspiration from a 1990 book by John Sexton, Hans shares some of his 'quiet' imagery

Hans Strand

Hans Strand

Hans Strand is an internationally recognised photographer who has received numerous awards for his work and published three books. He lives near Stockholm in Sweden.

The older I am getting ( now 58 ) the more I tend to love less spectacular and quiet imagery. When I was young, mountains where the hot stuff on the menu and I made long hikes in the Swedish national parks in the High North. My strategies were all in the direction of catching the mountains in the most dramatic light as possible. I still like images of grand landscapes, but more so when they are interpreted in a more subtle way. In this short article I will try to encourage you to find inspiration in the unspectacular landscape and pieces of nature. Images who are very personal and an important ingredients in my own photography.

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